Air Filter Engineers, Inc.

Manufacturing plants, food processing facilities, oil and gas refineries, and metal/wood mills are some of the heavy industrial applications with extremely unique systems.

Whether a system utilizes standard equipment or specialized designs, Air Filter Engineers is your source for industrial filtration needs. Products range from disposable filters to filters designed to handle unpredictable situations.

Pleated Dust Bags and Cartridges
A variety of media available, such as cellulose/synthetic blend. These filters have a low life cycle cost and a variety of caps and end plates are available in specialty finishes.

Pulse Cartridges
These high quality cartridges are fabricated in a variety of styles and configurations. We can manufacture cartridges with end caps to fit your systems. Utilizing a wide assortment of media, we can design a cartridge to meet your exact requirements. We offer a wide variety of media including cellular, blended and synthetic types.

We carry replacement filters for:
©2010 Air Filter Engineers, Inc.